Diggity is growing quickly. At 7 months old he's almost reached his mother's height at the shoulder, but he's not as long yet or as filled out, and his head still needs to grow a bit more. Physical growth is a completely linear movement but training surely is not.
Lucky and Diggity are S L O W L Y, learning the things they need to know to make life with us and our mules and ponies harmonious instead of a mule and horse chasing hell. We are far from harmony yet, but we are on the winding path in that direction. It's a slow and jagged upward curve. Some days you just want to turn back and wish you'd never started the climb up, but you keep going because you get glimpses of just how beautiful the view will be from the top and from the effort of the struggle to get there. Sometimes hard is good for you. You grow from hard too and so, Bernie and I also find ourselves on an upward curve, bouncing up from the troughs to new heights with the help of humor, organization and cooperation.
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January 2025