Greetings. The art show we had in my barn on July 23rd was a big success. Twenty eight of my paintings sold and we made over $1500 dollars for BLM mustangs. Here are a few of the paintings that sold. Thanks to everyone that came out. For a few more pictures of the paintings that are off to new homes and to read about the future for Monday's Beast click here.
Non-human family members bring many of us comfort and pleasure. I have wonderful memories of taking care of my Blue Sky farm family.
Happy Summer to all. The Bestiaryist is on a summer break and in the mood to clear out some inventory. So, we are about to have a big cheap animal art sale. The money will go to help BLM Mustangs. Keep a watch for the time and place of the sale. We will post it here and on our Considering Animals Facebook page. It is likely to be in July 2017 so keep watch. If you want an email to let you know when it will be please send me one.
June 2019